Wednesday, April 11, 2007

An Introduction: Intentions and Meaning

Welcome All

The intention of this blog is to share in the process and development of my JBJ 28G HQI saltwater nanotank (a small tank by saltwater standards) from start to finish. Let me start by saying that I've never attempted a saltwater tank, but have had good success with freshwater tanks over the past couple of years. The tank will be a small reef tank, meaning that it will be a tank that has Live Rock, Corals, Invertebrates and a few small fish.

I am creating this small saltwater reef for a number of reasons. For starters, there is the aesthetic value. The ocean, and reefs in particular, can be a place of incredible beauty. In its physicality, it provides a rich variety of colors and shapes that make it something akin to fluid art. Yet, it is fundamentally much more than that, as the ocean and its reefs are truly alive. A complex system that is physically, ecologically and biologically diverse, we are only beginning to understand what happens in this massive body of water, from which all life came. So in trying to create a reef tank, I wish to understand and learn about life in salt water through maintenance and observation. To further appreciate the wonders of life on this planet.


Anonymous said...

I like your intro! Nice way to start to start things!

Anonymous said...

Very well done! Keep in mind that for every person who comments there are probably a few thousand who don't. A picture is worth a thousand words, keep shooting!